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Resultaat 181 - 185 (van 185)
Sam Van Clemen Otto von Bismarck
biografie van de ijzeren kanselier
Zelden is de loop van de geschiedenis zo bepaald door één enkele persoon als door Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), de legendarische IJzeren Kanselier. Van 1862 tot 1890, dus bijna dertig jaar lang, was hij de absolute toppoliticus van Pruisen en van het sinds 1871 eengemaakte Duitsland. Het waren decennia waarin zowat alles veranderde. Toen Bismarck op het politieke toneel verscheen, heersten in Duitsland de biedermeier en was in Europa de restauratie doorgevoerd tijdens het Congres van Wenen. Toen...
Nederlands | ePub2, 8 MB | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Jeannick Vangansbeke Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) en de reformatie
500 jaar heerlijk misverstand
Bespreking van enkele werken van de Oostenrijkse schrijver (1881-1942) waarin bekende historische personen uit de zestiende eeuw voorkomen die voorstanders zijn van toleratie of slachtoffer van onverdraagzaamheid.
Nederlands | 168 pagina's (PDF, 1,3 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Abraham de Kock Pardidoe
chronicles of a wandering humanitarian
Is it better to spend your life moving from place to place, forever having new adventures, meeting interesting people and accepting new challenges, or would it be a curse -- to be always unrooted and adrift, like a wandering spirit far from home? Born in the Dutch colony of New Guinea and raised in the Netherlands, Abraham de Kock spent his professional life travelling the world and working for the UN, rising to the position of acting country director of the World Food Programme in North Korea. Between...
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 14 MB) | Uitgeverij Gopher, 's-Hertogenbosch | 2022
Laurence Bollen | Mugisha Maisha Safari
The nature of humankind emits light
Mukisa was an inquisitive Muslim boy who was gradually brainwashed from when he was 8 years old to help recruit other children from the Kampala ghettos to become child soldiers. Mukisa has a close relationship with his mother Ayana and his true faith and refuses to accept the situation. When it becomes unbearable, escaping to Europe is his only option. This means leaving everything behind, including his mother and sisters. In Europe, he falls into the hands of human traffickers and is forced to sell...
Engels | 196 pagina's (ePub3, 0,9 MB) | Droomvallei Uitgeverij, Breda | 2022
F.H. Schröder Memoires of my personal and professional life
1937 - 2017
Fritz Schröder is a retired professor of urology. He functioned as the head of the Department of Urology at Erasmus University in Rotterdam from 1977 to 2002. He was born, raised and trained in Germany and in the USA. His professional life was determined by his clinical activities, oncological research mainly concerning prostate cancer and the training of young urologists. Next to his professional life he took care of his family together with his wife Maren and continued to play cello which is his...
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF, 5,2 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022