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Resultaat 261 - 273 (van 273)
Fréderike Geerdink Bans, jails and shameless lies
censorship in Turkey
Press freedom in Turkey is a hot topic. If a (well known) journalist is detained, prosecuted or sacked in Turkey, the news is covered in full in many Western countries. Nevertheless, many articles and reports reveal only a part of what really happens: they tell the story of the journalist, newspaper or TV broadcaster involved, but not that of the underlying mechanisms. No wonder: these are not easy to explain in a paragraph or two, or in two or three minutes. On the one hand, the lack of press freedom...
Engels | 113 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Amir Valle Gagged
censorship in Cuba
Amir Valle (Cuba, 1967) offers a unique analysis of the suppression of freedom of expression in Cuba by Fidel Castro's 'revolutionary' government. From the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 to the 'Raulist Era' of today, he offers a chilling survey of the most significant cases of cultural repression and censorship perpetrated by the longest Communist dictatorship in the world. From their beginnings in literature and journalism, the author has witnessed first hand the oppressive and painful...
Engels | 130 pagina's (ePub2, 1,1 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Parvez Alam Disappearing public spheres
censorship in Bangladesh
'State of Nature' and 'State of exception' have become the only two options for the people of Bangladesh recently, where writers, bloggers and publishers are getting killed by Al-Qaeda affiliates and persecuted by the Government. Empowerment of polarizations such as 'secular' verses 'Islamists' have also empowered the ruling regime and Islamist extremist groups. Severe censorship on all kind of media has suffocated freedom of expression. New public spheres that had emerged in the internet era are...
Engels | 92 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Han Peeters The new constitution
according to Osism
After 5,000 years of feudal rule, a new constitution is needed. The helm must be turned around completely if we are to save ourselves from destruction. Every day, people watch the news showing the injustices and feel helpless to change it. Although convinced we are on the wrong track, we question what can be done. Although the elite make up only 1% of the population, they have control, because money is power. The other 99% have compassion for their fellow man, but are not able to do anything about...
Engels | ePub2, 0,2 MB | ClusterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2017
Virtues for the people
aspects of Plutarchan ethics
Plutarch of Chaeronea, Platonist, polymath, and prolific writer, was by no means an armchair philosopher. He believed in the necessity for a philosopher to affect the lives of his fellow citizens. That urge inspired many of his writings to meet what he considered people's true needs. Although these writings on practical ethics illustrate in various ways Plutarch's authorial talents and raise many challenging questions (regarding their overall structure, content, purpose, and underlying philosophical...
niet gecodeerde talen | 320 pagina's (PDF, 1,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Guillaume Budé La correspondance de Guillaume Budé et Juan Luis Vives
Témoignage intéressant sur la vie intellectuelle et la vie tout court des grands humanistes. Le présent recueil entend apporter une nouvelle contribution à la connaissance des écrits des grands humanistes du 15ème au 16ème siècle. Certes, le volume consacré à l'échange de lettres entre Budé et Vives est mince: il ne comporte que dix lettres au total. Malgré leur petit nombre, ces lettres apportent indéniablement, à l'instar des lettres publiées précédemment, un témoignage intéressant...
Frans | 160 pagina's (PDF, 2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Christa Matthys | Wim Lefebvre Gids van landbouwarchieven in België, 1795-2000
De Belgische landbouw onderging de voorbije twee eeuwen grondige transformaties. Hiervan blijven in verschillende archieven sporen bewaard. Toch komen in de agrarische geschiedschrijving slechts een beperkt aantal onderwerpen aan bod. Eén van de redenen hiervoor is de geringe kennis omtrent het bestaan en de inhoud van landbouwarchieven in België. Deze gids is een wegwijzer in het Belgische archieflandschap voor al wie interesse heeft in de landbouwgeschiedenis van België en Belgisch-Congo. Hij...
Duits | PDF | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Freud au cas par cas
lectures philosophiques des cas freudiens
Etudes philosophiques des cas freudiens. Dora, l'Homme aux rats, Hans, le Président Schreber, l'Homme aux loups... les cas freudiens sont célèbres, mais que sont-ils vraiment : des aperçus biographiques ? Des récits de cure ? On y a longtemps vu des témoignages de la manière dont les théories freudiennes ont « jailli » de l'expérience clinique. Les articles de ce recueil y font voir autre chose : des échantillons d'une pensée qui s'essaie, se met à l'épreuve, se corrige et se réinvente...
Frans | 168 pagina's (PDF, 0,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Isabelle Crevecoeur Étude anthropologique du squelette du Paléolithique supérieur de Nazlet Khater 2 (Égypte)
apport à la compréhension de la variabilité passée des hommes modernes
L'étude de l'origine, de la variabilité et du comportement des hommes anatomiquement modernes a fait l'objet de recherches intenses durant deux périodes distinctes de l'évolution humaines: celle des stades isotopiques 6 et 5e avec les plus anciens hommes modernes en Afrique et au Proche-Orient; et celle des stades isotopiques 2 et 1 avec l'expansion des hommes modernes dans toutes les parties du monde. Les résultats actuels des recherches en génétiques s'accordent pour dire que les populations...
Frans | 318 pagina's (PDF, 85 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
"Lors est ce jour grant joie nee"
essais de langue et de littérature françaises du Moyen Âge
This volume gathers eight contributions regarding the French medieval language and literature. They are a selection of papers presented during a colloquium organized in honor of Prof. Emeritus Willy Van Hoecke, whose passion for French diachronic linguistics and medieval literature has driven him to develop some techniques for critical text edition, applied to the oeuvre of Baudouin de Condé, techniques which he also used for the edition of Jean d'Antioche's Rectorique de Marc Tulles Cyceron. The...
Frans | 214 pagina's (PDF, 21 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Terence Tunberg De rationibus quibus homines docti artem Latine colloquendi et ex tempore dicendi saeculis XVI et XVII coluerunt
Study of conversational Latin and ex tempore expression in Latin. The use of Latin for conversation and ex tempore discourse was a significant element in the culture of learned people in the humanist age and the early modern era. This book explores that phenomenon and the considerable amount of evidence pertaining to it in the primary sources written in the period. The author takes into account the use of spoken Latin both inside and outside the academic world. Examining disputes over pronunciation...
Latijn | 140 pagina's (PDF, 1,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Amir Valle Palabras amordazadas
censura en Cuba
Este es un libro necesario por la singularidad de su análisis sobre la censura a las libertades expresivas impuesta en Cuba por el gobierno 'revolucionario' de Fidel Castro, desde el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana en 1959 hasta la hoy llamada 'Era Raulista', y por ofrecer un recorrido escalofriante a través de los más importantes sucesos de la represión cultural y la censura perpetradas por la más larga dictadura comunista del mundo. Como afirma en el prólogo el escritor Ángel Santiesteban...
Spaans | 136 pagina's (ePub2, 1,1 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
A. Vredeveldt | Alieke Hildebrandt | Jasper J. van der Kemp | P.J. van Koppen De thuishulp in het Laakkwartier
sporen van moord, diefstal en schoonmaak
Onderzoek naar de bewijslast, op grond waarvan een voormalige thuishulp werd veroordeeld wegens moord op een 78-jarige vrouw in 2009.
Nederlands | 151 pagina's | Boom criminologie, Den Haag | 2017
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