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James Patterson | Emily Raymond First love
Na de dood van haar zusje en het vertrek van haar moeder besluit Axi van huis weg te lopen en met een vriend een verrassende roadtrip door de Verenigde Staten te maken. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Psychologische roman | Romantische verhalen
Engels | 275 pagina's | Century, London | 2014
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Clément Oubrerie Northern lights
the graphic novel
De slimme Lyra onderneemt samen met haar zieledier in het barre Noorden een heldhaftige en gecompliceerde zoektocht. Vanaf ca. 12 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction | Stripverhaal
Engels | 76 pagina's | Doubleday, London | 2015
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Richard Northcott The fisherman and his wife
Een visser en zijn vrouw zijn heel gelukkig samen. Dat verandert als de visser een tovervis vangt van wie ze een wens mogen doen. Met veel kleurenillustraties, opdrachten en een cd-rom. Vanaf ca. 8 jaar.
Engels | 32 pagina's | Helbling Languages, [London] | 2015
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Jeanne Willis Supercat vs The chip thief
De luie kat van James (10) verandert in een superheld. Tiger heeft zijn krachten nodig als Count Backwards alle aardappelen wil vernietigen. Want hoe komt Tiger anders aan zijn favoriete eten: chips. Vanaf ca. 7 jaar.
Fictie | Avonturenroman | Humoristische roman
Engels | 217 pagina's | HarperCollins Children's Books, London | 2014
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Fiona Davis The Smurfs™ 2
Klungelsmurf wil graag toveren. Maar Grote Smurf wil het hem niet leren. Hij scheurt stiekem een pagina uit Gargamels toverboek. Als dat maar goed gaat. Met kleurenfoto's uit de film, opdrachten en een cd. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Engels | 32 pagina's | Scholastic, London | 2014
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Kitazawa Noriaki | Kuresawa Takemi | Mitsuda Yuri History of Japanese art after 1945
institutions, discourse, practice
History of Japanese Art after 1945 surveys the development of art in Japan since WWII. The original Japanese work, which has become essential reading for those with an interest in modern and contemporary Japanese art and is a foundational resource for students and researchers, spans a period of 150 years, from the 1850s to the 2010s. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific period and written by a specialist. The English edition first discusses the formation and evolution of Japanese contemporary...
Engels | PDF, 12 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Cis Meijer Missing in Paris
Lottie ontdekt een geheime boodschap op een ansichtkaart van haar zus Nina die voor een modellenklus in Parijs is. Ze besluit om naar Parijs te gaan en Nina te gaan zoeken. Vanaf ca. 13 jaar.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 5,5 MB) | Uitgeverij De Fontein Jeugd, Utrecht | 2023
A. Gaaff Debts without redemption
cultural differences in First World War finance
Old war debts never die, they just fade away....... In 2015, Britain finally paid off a large war loan issued in 1917 to finance the First World War. In 2010, Germany made the last payments on some 80-year-old debts originally used to finance part of its reparations bill imposed by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. These were exceptions. The vast majority of the debts made during the Great War have never been paid back, including billion dollar loans from the US to western allies. These debts were...
Engels | 402 pagina's (ePub2, 5,7 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2022
B.O. van Zanten The Star Mountains expedition to Dutch New Guinea in 1959
personal experiences and impressions
In 1959 the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG), together with the Rijksherbarium Leiden organised a multi-disciplinary expedition. This was a remarkable expedition because it was destined to explore the Star Mountains of what was then Dutch New-Guinea. The Star Mountains on the Central Mountain Range were the last area of Dutch New-Guinea not yet under Dutch control or governance. Hardly anything was known about this area, it was even questionable whether there were actually...
Engels | 200 pagina's (PDF, 2,2 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Jochem Botman Nazis to the core
the Sassen brothers and their anti-Bolshevik crusade in Latin America
Engels | 316 pagina's (ePub2, 9,5 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Hannah Cuppen Love phobia
how to overcome your fear of commitment and abandonment
'Would you like to have a relationship but do you find that your partner always withdraws? Do you keep falling in love with someone who is already taken? Or do you have the tendency to keep the other person at a distance, just as they are beginning to develop feelings for you? If you keep ending up in situations like this, you might recognise the dance of pursuit and withdrawal. You’re not the only one! The fundamental conflict between our need for intimacy and our need for freedom creates this game...
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | AnkhHermes, Utrecht | 2021
Alice Hoogstad Monster book
Een meisje tekent in een zwart-witte stad allerlei kleurrijke monsters op muren, huizen en straten. De monsters komen tot leven en brengen kleur en chaos in de stad. Tekstloos prentenboek met fantasierijke prenten in zwart-wit en kleur. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Engels | 26 pagina's | Lemniscaat, London | 2017
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Before we go
Op het station biedt een straatmuzikant de helpende hand aan een vrouw die net beroofd is. Dit is het begin van een bijzondere nacht in de straten van Manhattan.
Fictie | Humoristische roman | Romantische verhalen
Pascal Borry | Gert Matthijs The human recipe
understanding your genes in today's society
A smart and witty guide to all you want to know about human genetics. Human genetics is not the playground of science alone. Genetics concerns all of us, for we all have DNA, genes, genomes, and chromosomes. Our genes determine partly our appearance and our behaviour, our talents and our health risks. The authors of The Human Recipe use humour to explain what we understand about human genetics. With anecdotes and topical examples, they demonstrate how genetics affects our everyday lives. What if...
Engels | 232 pagina's (PDF, 3,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Xandra Lammers The woman who vanished
“When a woman enters a forest alone, there is always someone who sees her …” Lisa Small, the mother of Chloe, is married to Henry, university researcher working on his dissertation entitled “The Growth of a Cucumber Without Light.” Following a marital fight, she leaves their home, not knowing whether she will ever return. After driving around for some time, she ends up in a hotel near a river, where she books a room. That night she dines with Gerald, who she has met in the hotel restaurant. Gerald...
Engels | 105 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Boekenbent, Barneveld | 2016
Leo Samama The meaning of music
For virtually all of our lives, we are surrounded by music. From lullabies to radio to the praises sung in houses of worship, we encounter music at home and in the street, during work and in our leisure time, and not infrequently at birth and death. But what is music, and what does it mean to humans? How do we process it, and how do we create it? Musician Leo Samama discusses these and many other questions while shaping a vibrant picture of music's importance in human lives both past and present....
Engels | 211 pagina's (ePub2, 9 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
Willem Middelkoop The big reset
war on gold and the financial endgame
Kritische analyse van het wereldwijde financiële systeem, met een pleidooi voor grondige hervormingen.
Engels | 364 pagina's (ePub2, 3,7 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2015
Rob de Wijk Power politics
We tend to think of ourselves as living in a time when nations, for the most part, obey the rule of law - and where they certainly don't engage in the violent grabs for territory that have characterised so much of human history. But as Rob de Wijk shows in this book, power politics very much remains a force on the international scene. Offering analyses of such actions as Putin's annexation of the Crimea and China's attempts to claim large parts of the South China Sea, de Wijk explains why power politics...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 5,7 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2015
Bert Koene The world of our grandchildren
The future looks brighter than most people think! That is the conclusion of this book after a thorough investigation of present facts, trends and promises of science and technology. The world population will soon stop growing. The consequences of climate change will be far-reaching, but surmountable. Science and technology will, in the 21st century, make enormous progress. They are the shaping forces of the future. This book clearly explains the potential benefits and dangers of innovations from...
Engels | 220 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2015
Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought
studies in honour of Carlos Steel
Essays on key moments in the intellectual history of the West. This book forms a major contribution to the discussion on fate, providence and moral responsibility in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Through 37 original papers, renowned scholars from many different countries, as well as a number of young and promising researchers, write the history of the philosophical problems of freedom and determinism since its origins in pre-socratic philosophy up to the seventeenth century....
Engels | Frans | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014