Zoekresultaten voor: *
Resultaat 101 - 120 (van 164)
Medieval manuscripts in transition
tradition and creative recycling
Manuscripts constitute the source material par excellence for diverse academic disciplines. Art historians, philologists, historians, theologians, philosophers, book historians and even jurists encounter one another around the codex. The fact that such an encounter can be extremely fertile was demonstrated, during an international congress in Brussels on November 5-9, 2002. A record of the discussions can be found in this volume of the Mediaevalia Lovaniensia. The editors selected those lectures...
Engels | Frans | 384 pagina's (PDF, 5,8 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Science translated
Latin and vernacular translations of scientific treatises in medieval Europe
Medieval translators played an important role in the development and evolution of a scientific lexicon. At a time when most scholars deferred to authority, the translations of canonical texts assumed great importance. Moreover, translation occurred at two levels in the Middle Ages. First, Greek or Arabic texts were translated into the learned language, Latin. Second, Latin texts became source-texts themselves, to be translated into the vernaculars as their importance across Europe started to increase....
Engels | Frans | 478 pagina's (PDF, 5,6 MB) | Leiven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Sexuality and psychoanalysis
philosophical criticisms
The relationship between sexuality and psychoanalysis can be described in terms of an old and stormy love affair. The same can be said about the relationship between psychoanalysis and philosophy. It is precisely this fascinating 'love triangle' that the present volume of essays aims to explore. A diverse group of philosophers and psychoanalysts reflected on the concept of sexuality in Freudo-Lacanian psychoanalysis. The result is a stimulating collection of essays where the role of sexuality in...
Engels | 239 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Crossing cultures
Nineteenth-century anglophone literature in the Low Countries
Crossing Cultures brings together scholars in the field of reception and translation studies to chart the individual and institutional agencies that determined the reception of Anglophone authors in the Dutch and Belgian literary fields in the course of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. The essays offer a variety of angles from which nineteenth-century literary dynamics in the Low Countries can be studied. The first two parts discuss the reception of Anglophone literature...
Engels | 218 pagina's (PDF, 3,6 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Isotopes in vitreous materials
For all archaeological artefactual evidence, the study of the provenance, production technology and trade of raw materials must be based on archaeometry. Whereas the study of the provenance and trade of stone and ceramics is already well advanced, this is not necessarily the case for ancient glass. The nature of the raw materials used and the geographical location of their transformation into artefacts often remain unclear. Currently, these questions are addressed by the use of radiogenic isotope...
Engels | 166 pagina's (PDF, 11 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
John Barclay Icon animorum or The mirror of minds
Original Latin text with English translation on facing pages. In this essay from 1614 the Neo-Latin poet, translator, and commentator John Barclay describes the manners and mores of his European contemporaries. He derives the sources of an individual's peculiarities of behavior and temperament from the 'genius' - the individual character created by each person's upbringing, time of life, and profession. Barclay likewise describes each nation's genius, its national character, and provides some of...
Engels | Latijn | 380 pagina's (PDF, 1,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Pascal Borry | Gert Matthijs The human recipe
understanding your genes in today's society
A smart and witty guide to all you want to know about human genetics. Human genetics is not the playground of science alone. Genetics concerns all of us, for we all have DNA, genes, genomes, and chromosomes. Our genes determine partly our appearance and our behaviour, our talents and our health risks. The authors of The Human Recipe use humour to explain what we understand about human genetics. With anecdotes and topical examples, they demonstrate how genetics affects our everyday lives. What if...
Engels | 232 pagina's (PDF, 3,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Everyday life practices of Muslims in Europe
Bijdragen over de dagelijkse gewoonten van moslims in Europa.
Engels | 234 pagina's (PDF, 1,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Geert Roskam A commentary on Plutarch's De latenter vivendo
Plutarch's De latenter vivendo is the only extant work from Antiquity in which Epicurus' famous ideal of an 'unnoticed life' (lathe biosas) is thematised as such. Moreover, the short rhetorical work provides a lot of interesting information about Plutarch's polemical strategies and about his own philosophical convictions in the domains of ethics, politics, metaphysics, and eschatology. In this book, Plutarch's anti-Epicurean polemic is understood against the background of the previous philosophical...
Engels | 279 pagina's (PDF, 2,2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, [Leuven] | 2017
Geert Roskam Plutarch's Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum
an interpretation with commentary
The question of the political relevance of philosophy, and of the role which the philosopher should play in the government of his state, was often discussed in Antiquity. Plato's ideal of the philosopher-king is well-known, but was precisely his failure to realise his political ideal in Syracuse not the best argument against the philosopher's political engagement? Nevertheless, Plato's ideal remained attractive for later Greek thinkers. This is illustrated, for instance, by one of Plutarch's short...
Engels | 252 pagina's (PDF, 3,9 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Andrea Alciati Andreae Alciati contra vitam monasticam epistula
Criticism of monastic life by one of Europe's major Renaissance figures. In his letter Against Monastic Life (1514-17) Andrea Alciato, an Italian jurist and writer famous for his Emblemata, urges his friend Bernardus Mattius to reconsider his choice of monastic life. Alciato makes his argument by criticizing religious superstition, the Church's hierarchy, and monastic practices, particularly the Franciscans' hypocrisy, wealth, and divisiveness. Instead, he defends a stoic, civic humanism. Due to...
Latijn | Engels | 144 pagina's (PDF, 2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Hui muslims in China
Introduction to Hui ethnic diversity in China. As yet very little academic research has been done into the Hui people, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group in China. With particular attention to the Yunnan district community, this collection of contributions skilfully presents a wealth of information on Hui Muslims and introduces readers to the issues of Hui ethnic diversity in China. Reviewing the many aspects of the religious, educational and cultural life of Hui Muslims in China, the authors provide...
Engels | 200 pagina's (PDF, 1,8 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
The debate about colour naming in 19th century German philology
selected translations
The Debate about Colour Naming in 19th Century German Philology is comprised of eleven essays illustrating the intensity of interest in colour naming and categorisation that arose in nineteenth century Germany. The themes of each chapter vary in their emphasis on particular theories which lie behind the 'testing' of the colour-naming capacities of 'primitive people' throughout the world, and which move towards new variants of the doctrine of 'evolution.' This selection of work directs itself towards...
Engels | 200 pagina's (PDF, 1,1 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Deleuze and psychoanalysis
philosophical essays on Deleuze's debate with psychoanalysis
Gilles Deleuze is among the twentieth century's most important philosophers of difference. The style of his extended oeuvre is so extremely dense and cryptic that reading and appreciating it require an unusual degree of openness and a willingness to enter a complicated but extremely rich system of thought. The abundant debates with and references to a variety of authors of many different domains; the sophisticated conceptual framework; the creation of new concepts and the injection of existing concepts...
Engels | 160 pagina's (PDF, 1,9 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Piotrek Swiatkowski Deleuze and desire
analysis of The logic of sense
Gilles Deleuze is among the twentieth century's most important philosophers of difference. The style of his extended oeuvre is so extremely dense and cryptic that reading and appreciating it require an unusual degree of openness and a willingness to enter a complicated but extremely rich system of thought. The abundant debates with and references to a variety of authors of many different domains; the sophisticated conceptual framework; the creation of new concepts and the injection of existing concepts...
Engels | 246 pagina's (PDF, 2,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Juan Maldonado Spanish humanism on the verge of the picaresque: Juan Maldonado's Ludus chartarum, Pastor bonus, and Bacchanalia
The 16th-century humanist Juan Maldonado in his Latin essays foreshadows the Spanish picaresque. Like Erasmus, with whom he corresponded,Maldonado advocated the use of Latin in a wide-range of activities. Maldonado's Pastor Bonus, a lengthy open letter to a bishop, reviews in a vivid and satirical style the abuses of the churchmen in his diocese. His ludus chartarum is framed as a colloquium similar to Vives' on the subject, entertaining while teaching a Latin terminology for card playing. His Bacchanalia,...
Latijn | Engels | 298 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Katrien Hendrickx The origins of banana-fibre cloth in the Ryukyus, Japan
The Japanese word bashôfu literally means 'banana-fibre cloth'. Both the cloth and the clothing made from it are now considered important constituents of Okinawan identity. This special trait of Okinawan material culture was brought to attention by the Japanese Folk Craft Movement in the 1930s. After years of decline following World War II, the weaving and use of bashôfu saw a revival that accelerated after the return of Okinawa to Japan in 1972 and still continues. Although today bashôfu receives...
Engels | 336 pagina's (PDF, 59 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Simon Verdegem Plutarch's Life of Alcibiades
story, text and moralism
At the beginning of the second century AD, Plutarch of Chaeronea wrote a series of pairs of biographies of Greek and Roman statesmen. Their purpose is moral: the reader is invited to reflect on important ethical issues and to use the example of these great men from the past to improve his or her own conduct. This book offers the first full-scale commentary on the Life of Alcibiades. It examines how Plutarch's biography of one of classical Athens' most controversial politicians functions within the...
Engels | 499 pagina's (PDF, 5,5 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Modern Islamic thinking and activism
dynamics in the West and in the Middle East
Innovative research of 'Islam at work' in geographical and social contexts. Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism presents a series of scholarly papers in relation to Islamic thinking, activism, and politics in both the West and the Middle East. The reader will apprehend that Islam is not the monolithic religion so often depicted in the media or (earlier) in the academic world. The Islamic world is more than a uniform civilization with a set of petrified religious prescriptions and an outdated view...
Engels | 214 pagina's (PDF, 3 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Aulularia and other inversions of Plautus
First critical edition of Burmeister's newly discovered Aulularia. Joannes Burmeister of Lüneburg (1576-1638) was among the greatest Neo-Latin poets of the German Baroque. His masterpieces, now mostly lost, are Christian 'inversions' of the Classical Roman comedies of Plautus. With only minimal changes in language and none in meter, each transforms Plautus's pagan plays into comedies based on biblical themes. Fascinating in their own right, they also bring back to attention forgotten genres of Renaissance...
Engels | Latijn | Duits | 292 pagina's (PDF, 1,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017