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Inger Gammelgaard Madsen The Cleaner 5
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Anne Larsen shows Roland a picture of Uwe Finch, and Roland recognises some of his features. Something about the eyes being so close together. But surely it cannot be the man it resembles, as he died years ago in a hotel fire. When a fingerprint determines that it is indeed the man he feared it might be, Roland becomes interested in finding out why he has returned with a new identity, and why he might be in Aarhus. Bertram’s mum has found the stolen leather jacket in his room, and wants to return...
Engels | 47 minuten (37 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen The Cleaner 6
Cleaning Up
The new information in the case makes Roland Benito re-examine the prison guard’s suicide. Now he knows for certain who Uwe Finch really is, and he decides to let Anne Larsen know. She was the one who obtained Uwe Finch’s fingerprint, and in the past, Roland has found out that Anne can be of great help in police investigations. Bertram is shocked to find out what has happened to his mum, but suddenly Anne Larsen, the reporter from TV2 East Jutland, shows up. Bertram breaks down in front of Anne,...
Engels | 48 minuten (38 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen The Cleaner
Bertram and his three friends have formed a small gang of thieves called The Ravens. He lives alone with his mom, who works as a waitress. He doesn´t remember his father much, as the latter was arrested for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment when Bertram was only seven years old. One day, Bertram steals an expensive "Schott Made in USA" leather jacket from a restaurant, which will have fatal consequences, and not just for Bertram. Rolando Benito, an investigator at the Police Complaints Authority,...
Engels | 4 uur 44 minuten (230 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 1
Johan Boje, officer with the police force of Central and West Jutland, is killed by a hit-and-run driver in front of his house, during a late night in March. His boss, Axel Borg, is one of the first people at the crime scene and here, he realizes the brutality of the murder. Johan Boje’s nine-year-old son says he saw the car and the driver, whom he claims is a police officer. Is it just the boy’s vivid imagination? When a surveillance camera confirms the son’s claims, Rolando Benito, investigator...
Engels | 55 minuten (40 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 2
Liv Løkke works at Netto in Paderup, as a checkout girl. She hates the town, herself, her job, and her trivial life; and she barely has to look at the shoppers to know who they are. She knows most people in the neighborhood and their shopping habits. But one day, she has to look at a costumer who buys an item that reminds her of her past, and the fateful day when she saved her brother from the burning house, after a gas explosion killed her mother. It is him...her mother’s lover. He claims to have...
Engels | 54 minuten (39 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 3
Anne Larsen, journalist with TV2 East Jutland, is covering the case of the officer from Silkeborg who was seemingly hit and killed by a colleague in front of his home. Her interest is seriously piqued by a fire accident that he was secretly investigating. She starts looking at it closer. Why was Johan Boje so interested in that case? Why could he not accept that it was just an accidental gas leak? Inger Gammelgaard Madsen (born 1960) is a Danish author. Madsen was originally a graphic designer....
Engels | 54 minuten (40 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen Burning Guilt - Chapter 4
The Independent Police Complaints Commission has no leads. But after interrogating Johan Boje’s wife and colleagues, Roland Benito is convinced the cop was not a faithful husband. The murderer may have had other motives than those they are working with. They interrogate Johan Boje’s son, Lukas, who was closer to the murder than previously assumed. The investigation takes a new turn when Anne Larsen seeks out Rolando. She tells him what she discovered, and that she suspects that Johan Boje’s interest...
Engels | 52 minuten (38 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Steffen Jacobsen The Promise - Part 2
THE PROMISE is an intense, fast-paced and gripping Scandinavian thriller told in four parts. Nina has moved into her rich sister’s splendid villa and is adapting to life outside of prison. She passes the time by getting involved in her 18-year-old niece’s boyfriend problems and exercising obsessively. She senses that the wrong people are on her tail and that it’s best to be prepared ... Steffen Jacobsen’s debut novel The Passenger (Passageren in Danish) came out in 2008, but his big break came...
Engels | 53 minuten (42 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Steffen Jacobsen The Promise - Part 3
THE PROMISE is an intense, fast-paced and gripping Scandinavian thriller told in four parts. Nina’s presence in her sister’s grand villa has a strong impact on the whole family, and Nina and Klara’s bond grows stronger. But the peace doesn’t last long. Suddenly, Nina’s past catches up with her in a dark alley, and she only escapes thanks to her quick reflexes and hard knuckles. Then, she gets a call from the institution where Gabriela is still imprisoned, and it’s not good news ... Steffen Jacobsen’s...
Engels | 54 minuten (43 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Steffen Jacobsen The Promise - Part 4
THE PROMISE is an intense, fast-paced and gripping Scandinavian thriller told in four parts. With Carsten’s help, Nina tries to get Gabriela out of the Herstedvester Prison. But time is not on their side. If they’re going to survive, they need to get out of the country as soon as possible. And just when they think they’re safe, their revengeful and armed past nemesis, driving a dark Audi, runs them down ... Steffen Jacobsen’s debut novel The Passenger (Passageren in Danish) came out in 2008,...
Engels | 50 minuten (39 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Steffen Jacobsen The Promise - Part 1
THE PROMISE is an intense, fast-paced and gripping Scandinavian thriller told in four parts. In Herstedvester Prison sits a frustrated and restless Nina with her young protégée, Gabriela. They’re both on the run from an ominous dark past that’s constantly on their heels. When Nina is released on parole, she has difficulty enjoying her newfound freedom. Firstly, because she has to leave the defenseless Gabriela in prison, and secondly, because Nina’s new legal guardian definitely isn’t to her liking...
Engels | 54 minuten (43 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anna Charlotta Petricevic GAME
Three women are found naked and brutally murdered in central parts of Sydney - and DS Morgan Callaghan is assigned to lead the investigations of what seems to be the work of a serial killer. One of the murder victims is a young Danish citizen - and as Sydney is hosting the World Cup in a few weeks' time, Morgan has added pressure from his superiors and FIFA to find the killer before more people from all over the world descend on Sydney to watch the World Cup games. At the same time, Morgan's mother...
Engels | 9 uur 11 minuten (400 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anna Charlotta Petricevic GONE
Three teenage boys disappear from an exclusive suburb in Sydney. The kidnappers contact the boys' families - but two of the boys' dead bodies are found floating in the harbour before any ransom sums have been paid. DS Morgan Callaghan has taken time off work for personal reasons, but now he's called in to lead the investigations of the kidnappings and the murders - and once again, Morgan must face cruelty and violent deaths... During the course of the investigations, it becomes known that inner...
Engels | 10 uur 24 minuten (452 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joyce Kostakis Streaming Sarah
In 2035 Portland, Oregon, a Homicide Detective awakens from a coma with the ability to see into parallel worlds. A Doppelgänger teaches her to stream the soul and memories of her Department's murdered victims to bring their killers to justice. Dying was the break she needed... Or so she thought. Homicide Detective Katie Hanson prided herself on being an advocate for the dead. When she returns home from the hospital after a near-death experience, she realizes the door to the spirit world remained...
Engels | 5 uur 29 minuten (243 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Pierre Martin Madame le Commissaire en de vrouw zonder geheugen
Na de dramatische dood van de burgemeester, lijkt de rust teruggekeerd in het Franse dorpje. Totdat assistente Apollinaire bijna een verwarde jonge vrouw omverrijdt, die gewond is en zich niets kan herinneren. Madame le Commissaire begint een zoektocht naar haar identiteit, met grote gevolgen.
Nederlands | ePub2, 6,2 MB | Luitingh Sijthoff, Amsterdam | 2024
Alex Lépic De bakker van Saint-Germain
Deel 2 in de Inspecteur Lacroix-serie. Net nadat Parijs heeft gestemd voor de beste baguette van de stad, wordt bakker Maurice Lefèvre dood aangetroffen in zijn bakkerij. Zijn brood zou de exclusieve keuze van het Elysée-paleis zijn geweest en de Parijzenaars zouden elke dag in de rij voor zijn winkel hebben gestaan. Inspecteur Lacroix weet maar al te goed dat Parijzenaars een moord doen als het om stokbrood gaat… Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 136 pagina's (ePub2, 5,7 MB) | De Fontein, Utrecht | 2023
Isabella Maldonado Het raadsel
Op haar zestiende wist FBI-agent Nina Guerrera te ontsnappen aan een seriemoordenaar. Jaren later verspreidt een video van het incident zich razendsnel op het internet. Door het filmpje krijgt ze niet alleen talloze nieuwe bewonderaars voor haar gevechtskunsten, maar ook blijkt de man die Nina elf jaar geleden probeerde te ontvoeren haar nog nauwlettend in de gaten te houden. Vastberaden om zijn verloren prijs terug te krijgen, pleegt hij een gruwelijke moord om haar in het onderzoek te betrekken,...
Nederlands | 232 pagina's (ePub3, 1 MB) | Saga, [København] | 2023
Alex Lépic Het kerstlicht van Montmartre
Deel 3 in de Inspecteur Lacroix-serie. Het is kerst in Parijs en de sneeuw verandert de stad in een winterwonderland. Inspecteur Lacroix verveelt zich en voor hem is de diefstal van de beroemde kerstverlichting uit het hart van Montmartre een welkome afleiding. Samen met zijn vrouw Dominique moet hij zien te voorkomen dat de stad van de liefde verder in het donker komt te zitten… Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 139 pagina's (ePub2, 5,6 MB) | De Fontein, Utrecht | 2023
Valentina Morelli Een raadselachtige biecht
Deel 5 in de LA DOLCE VITA-serie. Heel Santa Caterina staat in het teken van de olijvenoogst wanneer seizoenarbeider Antonio bij zuster Isabella te biecht gaat. Hij heeft verschillende geboden overtreden, maar wil niet in detail treden. Voordat Isabella de mysterieuze bekentenis kan begrijpen, is Antonio al dood - verdronken in de oliepers! Een ongeluk? Zuster Isabella start een onderzoek maar staat er alleen voor, de jonge carabiniere Matteo lijkt het te druk te hebben met Nina, de mooie dochter...
Nederlands | ePub2 | De Fontein, Utrecht | 2022
Valentina Morelli Een dode van goede huize
Deel 4 in de LA DOLCE VITA-serie. Een hippie vraag zuster Isabella om hulp. Een investeerder wil zijn op zijn terrein een hotel bouwen. Isabella probeert de zeer rijke, aristocratische ondernemer van gedachten te doen veranderen - zonder succes. De volgende ochtend wordt hij vermoord teruggevonden. Is dit het werk van het groepje hippies? Dat kan Isabella zich niet voorstellen. Samen met de jonge carabiniere Matteo gaat ze op onderzoek uit... Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | ePub2 | De Fontein, Utrecht | 2022