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Resultaat 141 - 160 (van 164)
Dina Meza Kidnapped
censorship in Honduras
Freedom of expression in Honduras has been kidnapped. Those who are afraid of the truth attempt to imprison it in the depths of the earth. Kidnapped seeks to expose the problems for freedom of expression in journalism and literature in Honduras, the forms of censorship that have been introduced to conceal the truth, but also the creativity of Hondurans who refuse to be defeated in the face of this oppressive system. Kidnapped describes how the Honduran state, responsible for protecting this right,...
Engels | 72 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Bisrat Woldemichael Handiso Genocide of thought
censorship in Ethiopia
Bisrat Woldemichael Handiso (1983) is an Ethiopian journalist who worked as an editor for different local newspapers. He was one of the founders of the Ethiopian Journalists Forum (EJF), an independent association made up of largely young journalists who advocate for greater press freedom in his country. In this function he ran trainig workshops and discussions on press freedom, visited journalist in prison and hospital and facilitated medical assistance for them. EJF was accused of being an illegal...
Engels | 58 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Fosfor, Amsterdam | 2015
Rob de Wijk Power politics
We tend to think of ourselves as living in a time when nations, for the most part, obey the rule of law - and where they certainly don't engage in the violent grabs for territory that have characterised so much of human history. But as Rob de Wijk shows in this book, power politics very much remains a force on the international scene. Offering analyses of such actions as Putin's annexation of the Crimea and China's attempts to claim large parts of the South China Sea, de Wijk explains why power politics...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 5,7 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2015
Monique Schouten The five principes of effective coaching
meet your unconscious coach and step out of your comfort zone
The five principles of effective coaching Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 95 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Uitgeverij Marmer, Baarn | 2015
New multicultural identities in Europe
religion and ethnicity in secular societies
How to understand Europe's post-migrant Islam on the one hand and indigenous, anti-Islamic movements on the other? What impact will religion have on the European secular world and its regulation? How do social and economic transitions on a transnational scale challenge ethnic and religious identifications? These questions are at the very heart of the debate on multiculturalism in present-day Europe and are addressed by the authors in this book. Through the lens of post-migrant societies, manifestations...
Engels | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2014
Aldert Boersma | Erik Vooijs Neil's quest for quality
a TMap® HD story
Neil's Quest for Quality A TMap HD Story The world of IT is changing rapidly, with innovations following one another in breathtaking succession. This applies not only to the field of technology, but also to our way of working. Time-to-market and cost limiting are becoming more important by the day. These new ways of working are occasionally perceived as a threat to the quality of our software products. This book shows the opposite: TMap® HD, a human-driven and quality-driven approach offers opportunities...
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen ut | 2014
Vincent Icke Gravity does not exist
a puzzle for the 21st century
Every scientific fact was born as an opinion about the unknown - a hypothesis. Opinion gradually becomes fact as evidence piles up to support a theory. But what if there are two theories, each of which has produced a myriad of things that correspond perfectly to the phenomena but can't be combined into one? One theory replaced the mystery of gravity with a precise model of space and time. The other theory replaced the mystery of matter with a description of quantum particles. As we understand our...
Engels | 89 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2014
Jan Geurtz Quit smoking in one day
"Quit Smoking In One Day" is one of the most successful books written on ending cigarette addiction. Originally published in Holland and translated into many other languages it is now available in English for the first time. Countless people have quit smoking after reading this book. If you want to quit smoking then this book will help you succeed without withdrawal symptoms, no noticeable weight gain and without using force or self discipline. A proven method used successfully for more than 15 years....
Engels | ePub2, 1 MB | Ambo, Amsterdam | 2014
Medical encyclopedic dictionary
over 20,000 entries; the most common diseases explained; descriptions, preventions, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatments; extra over 100 medical tests
This interactive medical encyclopedic dictionary offers over 20,000 entries with answers on all your medical questions. This book includes over 4,000 files and articles on most common and specific health issues. We have added an appendix with over 100 medical tests to conclude this guide. This is an ideal interactive ebook for medical students, professionals, and personal use. Navigating through this extensive database of medical information is easy with the index and full text search option. This...
Engels | 650 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | iMed Books, Stuifzand | 2013
Tim Koomen | Leo van der Aalst | Bart Broekman | Michiel Vroon TMap Next®
for result-driven testing
"TMap is a test method that can be summarised by four essential points * The client manages the test process on rational and economic grounds: Business Driven Test Management (BDTM). * The comprehensive test process, from test execution through test management, includes ample tips and examples. * TMap contains a complete 'tool set', i.e. technique descriptions and organisational and infrastructure support. * TMap is an adaptive method that is suitable for test situations in most environments (such...
Engels | 10 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen UT | 2013
TPI Next
business driven, test process, improvement
TPI® NEXT, the Business Driven Test Process Improvement model Over the past ten years, TPI® has proved to be the leading methodology to assess the maturity of an organizations or projects test process. This is a success we, at Sogeti, are very proud of. But this success by no means implies that we are `done and can rest on our laurels. Sogetis answer to this need: TPI® NEXT, the Business Driven Test Process Improvement model (BDTPI). The strengths of the original model (Key areas, Maturity levels,...
Engels | 5 pagina's (ePub2, 3,8 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen UT | 2013
Reinier Van Meerten Gravitation by very small 'C particles
of 0.433× 10-50 kg
The author advices us to study ever smaller particles, rather than trying to discover bigger and bigger particles (like the Higgs boson) with ever costlier colliders. His research has produced evidence for a rapid creation of the photon like particles A (acon) from the quantum mechanical VOID, followed by a rearranging of 24 As in a circle, designated as B (belton). Four beltons, arranged into a cross, form the photon like C (cosmon). He shows that particles with a gravitational mass continuously...
Engels | ePub2, 12 MB | Elikser, Leeuwarden | 2013
Leo van der Aalst TMap Next
Business Driven Test Management
"Business Driven Test Management (BDTM) This book offers business and IT managers insight into the possibilities of exerting increased business control of the test process: Business Driven Test Management (BDTM). The concept of BDTM prioritises the result and gives the client of the test process (whether a business or IT manager) the ability to manage the risk coverage, lead time and cost of the test process in both the planning and the execution phases. The book also contains an introduction to...
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 1,5 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen UT | 2013
Ben Tiggelaar Dream, dare, do
managing the most difficult person on earth: yourself
Everybody has dreams related to work, relationships, health, personal development But what is needed to change the phase of dreaming, into daring and finally into doing? What is the secret of real, permanent change? -Why do we find it so hard to change? -What determines 95% of your behavior (without you noticing it)? -How do you develop new, effective habits successfully? Ben Tiggelaar gives clear answers. Based on current psychological insights, practical experience and personal stories of people...
Engels | 113 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2012
Ewald Roodenrijs TMap NEXT testing clouds
TMap NEXT® Testing Clouds is different from its TMap predecessors. Whereas the books in the TMap series are handbooks with step-by-step information, this book is an innovation, about testing clouds for the early adopter. It describes the cloud business model for testing, Business Technology and steps we took in cloud projects. The Cloud is still at an early stage, but the growth of cloud-based computing is outstripping even the most optimistic predictions. Its early 2011 and almost all forecasts...
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 7,3 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen ut | 2011
Greg Houwer Into the white
Kafka and his metamorphoses
Into the White lays bare a hidden overall logic in Kafka's work. Instead of restoring an initial but perturbed balance - the standard pattern for a piece of fiction -, Kafka's characters always do the opposite: they do everything they can to maintain the imbalance. The book shows how this should be linked to Kafka's own attitude as a writer. Writing, for Kafka, always gave birth to promises that could not be kept. It opens up gates that the writer is not allowed to enter. In the stories that deal...
Engels | ePub2, 0,3 MB | Acco, Leuven | 2011
Nicoline van der Sijs Cookies, coleslaw, and stoops
the influence of Dutch on the North American Languages
In 1609, the first Dutch settlers arrived in America and established trading posts, small towns, and forts up and down what we now call the Hudson River. To this day, American children are taught the thrilling history of the transformation of this settlement, New Netherland, and its capital, New Amsterdam, from landmark port into present-day New York State and the island of Manhattan. But, the Dutch legacy extended far beyond New York, as Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops reveals.From Santa Claus (after...
Engels | 320 pagina's (ePub2, 11 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2011
S. Bais The equations
icons of knowledge
Ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands onder 9789053567142 Een bijzonder vormgegeven boek waarin de meest fundamentele natuurwetten op een toegankelijke wijze worden weergegeven. Al duizenden jaren probeert de mens de natuur te doorgronden. Met steeds vernuftigere instrumenten zijn we in staat geweest om enkele van de grootste raadsels om ons heen te ontrafelen. Onder een overweldigende berg feiten hebben we een aantal fundamentele natuurwetten ontdekt, die de structuur en evolutie van de fysische werkelijkheid...
Engels | 96 pagina's (ePub2, 1,2 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2011
Roderik Bender | Theo IJzermans How can I turn a mountain back into a molehill?
rational effectiveness training for advanced students
How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill? Rational Effectiveness Training for Advanced Students The enormous success of The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind makes one thing eminently clear: there is a great need for a method to improve the way that we deal with certain work situations that cause stress, frustration and non-productive behaviour. Rational Effectiveness Training (RET) is exactly that kind of method. With 'How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill?' IJzermans and Bender have produced...
Engels | 106 pagina's (ePub2, 1,8 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010
Jan Schouten | Joke Lingsma Personal effectiveness
how to speak up, open up end stand firm
Finding the right way to stand up for yourself without needlessly offending other people. That is what is at the heart of assertive behaviour. Being able to express your wishes and opinions, not allowing other people to walk all over you, being more confident in relationships with people you know and people that you are less familiar with and above all being aware of those situations where it is important to behave assertively. You can achieve that with this book. The practical exercises show you...
Engels | 166 pagina's (ePub2, 1,8 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010