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Ben Tiggelaar Dit wordt jouw jaar!
12 krachtige lessen in persoonlijke verandering
Tienduizenden mensen denken op dit moment na over hun werk en leven. We stellen onszelf vragen als: moet ik misschien iets anders gaan doen? Moet ik mijn werk en leven anders aanpakken? En hoe dan? Herken je dit? Dan is 'Dit wordt jouw jaar!' iets voor jou. In dit boek helpt Ben Tiggelaar je om de gedachten rond werk en leven eens goed op een rijtje te zetten. Hij helpt je om je eigen koers te bepalen én om concrete actie te ondernemen. Dit wordt jouw jaar! is gebaseerd op nuchtere gedragswetenschap....
Nederlands | 2 uur 36 minuten (150 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ben Tiggelaar Management Classics - Box with 10 audiobooks
Insights and advice from the most important management gurus.
MBA in One Day - Management Classics - All 10 audiobooks in one buy. Insights and advice from the most important management gurus. Contents The Ideas of Stephen Covey About Leadership The Ideas of Peter Drucker About Management The Ideas of Eli Goldratt About Management The Ideas of Michael Hammer About Reengineering The Ideas of Kaplan & Norton About the Balanced Scorecard The Ideas of Philip Kotler About Marketing The Ideas of Henry Mintzberg About Management The Ideas of Tom Peters About Entrepreneurship...
Engels | 8 uur 21 minuten (289 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Eli Goldratt About Management
MBA in One Day - Management Classics
Eliyahu M. Goldratt was born in Israel in 1948. He studied physics and philosophy at the universities of Tel Aviv and Bar-Ilan. After studying he spent a couple of years working in the US and the UK, and still is leading a firm that developed production planning software, among other things. Ever since Eli Goldratt wrote his book The Goal in 1984, he has enjoyed international renown as business consultant and management guru. In The Goal he introduced his Theory of Constraints, which since then...
Engels | 47 minuten (27 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Peter Drucker About Management
MBA in One Day - Management Classics
Peter Drucker was one of the most influential management authors of the 20th century. In addition to that he was a lecturer and advisor for many years. Peter Drucker was an outright moralist. He believed managers and professionals should not live as unto themselves, but contribute to 'the greater good.' An organization should contribute to society. And its managers and professionals should contribute to the organization. Peter Drucker wrote prolifically about a wide range of topics. But most of...
Engels | 46 minuten (27 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Michael Hammer About Reengineering
MBA in One Day - Management Classics
Dr. Michael Hammer had his big breakthrough in 1990. In that year´s summer issue of the Harvard Business Review he published his first major article on Reengineering. It’s title was: Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate... After this he wrote several books on the subject. The first one, Reengineering the Corporation, is still considered his biggest hit. Some 2 million copies of this book were sold worldwide in 30 different languages. The book even gained Hammer a position on Time Magazine´s...
Engels | 47 minuten (28 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Stephen Covey About Leadership
Management Classics
Dr. Stephen R. Covey is the bestselling management author of recent years. Several American presidents have consulted him. He has shelves full of awards and honorary doctorates. And according to Time Magazine he has been one of the world´s most influential people for many years. His books are not just about management. Covey wants to teach us lessons about all kinds of leadership. Even leadership in our private lives. Stephen Covey was born in 1932 in Salt Lake City, USA. He studied at Harvard,...
Engels | 52 minuten (30 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Kaplan & Norton About the Balanced Scorecard
MBA in One Day - Management Classics
"If you can´t measure it, you can´t manage it", is a favorite expression of Kaplan & Norton. In 1992 Kaplan & Norton introduced the Balanced Business Scorecard, to use the full name for their invention. In an article in the Harvard Business Review the Balanced Scorecard was primarily described as an instrument for improving business performance. The Balanced Scorecard did start out as a means of clearly describing the performance a company should be delivering on various fronts and then accurately...
Engels | 52 minuten (30 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Philip Kotler About Marketing
Management Classics
Philip Kotler´s own personal vision on marketing is not easy to pinpoint. In his books he has collected countless insights, models, theories and cases, most of which come from other researchers. Kotler´s particular strength is that he presents these many insights in an extremely structured and accessible manner, helping readers to put them to practical use. If anything, Kotler´s vision is characterized by a strong emphasis on reasoning from the perspective of customer needs. “Marketing is not the...
Engels | 48 minuten (28 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Tom Peters About Entrepreneurship
Management Classics
Tom Peters firmly believes business can be cool and work can be fun. He believes it´s possible to build organizations where people can be themselves, pursue their dreams and work with a passion. The magic word in all of this is entrepreneurship. Reading Tom Peters´ books is like being flooded with examples, anecdotes and random ideas that all revolve around this single notion. In Peters´ vision, a business can only flourish if its employees act as if they are all independent entrepreneurs. They...
Engels | 54 minuten (31 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
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Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Henry Mintzberg About Management
MBA in One Day - Management Classics
Henry Mintzberg is a creative thinker. A man who likes to take a different slant on things. For over thirty years he has been firing holes in many popular management conceptions and filling up the gaps with his own ideas. In Mintzberg´s view, most approaches to management, organization and strategy are theoretical and artificial. For instance, for decades the prevailing view on management was that it all comes down to analysis and planning. Many of the recommendations put forward in management...
Engels | 52 minuten (30 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Michael Porter About Strategy
MBA in One Day - Management Classics
Michael Porter is basically occupied with just one topic: Strategy. But let´s face it: strategy is so broad and deep you could spend a lifetime studying it. Which is precisely what Michael Porter has been doing. For several decades, in fact, he has been studying and writing about nothing else. There are many definitions for strategy, but most of them – including Michael Porter´s – center on the long-term direction of a company. Porter says: “Sound strategy starts with having the right goal. And...
Engels | 50 minuten (28 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ben Tiggelaar The Ideas of Robert Quinn About Leadership
Management Classics
Change and growth. Those are the constant factors in the work of Robert Quinn. In many of his books, Quinn challenges you to critically review your present ideas. For one thing, Quinn challenges us to reflect on the management models we´re accustomed to using in the field of management and organization. He says that one management model is not necessarily better than another. It´s just that one particular model is likely to work better in a certain situation than others. This means we have to move...
Engels | 52 minuten (30 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2011
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ben Tiggelaar Dit wordt jouw jaar!
12 krachtige lessen in persoonlijke verandering
Dit wordt jouw jaar! 12 krachtige lessen in persoonlijke verandering - Maak van de komende twaalf maanden jouw jaar! - Stel persoonlijke doelen die je langdurig motiveren - Leer slimme technieken voor de stap van dromen naar doen -------------------- Elk jaar willen miljoenen mensen hun werk- en privéleven een positieve impuls geven. Veel mensen falen, maar een deel slaagt wél. Wat doen zij anders? Wat zegt onderzoek? De opvolger van Dromen, durven, doen. Inspirerend, praktisch en supermotiverend!...
Nederlands | 144 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Tyler Roland Press, Soest | 2020